Synopsis It is the summer of 2015. Fereshteh, a young Afghan woman, arrives in Belgrade with her husband and three children, after a gruelling months-long journey. She learns that her younger brother has drowned and will soon be buried as an unidentified person, a John Doe. As Hungary closes its borders to stop the influx of migrants from the Middle East, and as Fereshteh's husband and his family pressure her to continue their journey, she is doing all she can to give her brother a dignified burial.
Crew Screenwriters: Momir Turudić, Vuk Ršumović Producers: Mirko Bojović Co-producers: Ines Vasiljević, Stefano Sardo, Vanja Sremac, Ankica Jurić Tilić, Miroslav Mogorović DoP: Damjan Radovanović Editor: Aleksandar Stanojević Art Directors: Jelena Sopić, Jovana Cvetković Costume Designer: Maja Mirković Sound Designer: Dubravka Premar Composer: Alessandro Ciani
Cast Fereshteh Hosseini: Fereshteh Nikola Ristanovski: Nikola Reza Akhlaghirad: Reza Melissa Maroofi: Azade Maria Qadri: Narges Vule Marković: Zoran Petar Zekavica: Clerk Branka Katić: Tanja
Production: Baboon Co-production: Nightswim, Kinorama, Art&Popcorn
- production supported by Film Center Serbia, Ministry of Culture and Information of Serbia, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Italy, Regione Lazio, Croatian Audiovisual Center, Creative Europe Media, Eurimages |
Awards Otranto Film Festival 2024., Otranto, Italy – competition programme - Best Actress Award to Fereshteh Hosseini, Best Film Production Award to Mirko Bojović
Festivals Sarajevo Film Festival 2024., Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – competition programme Otranto Film Festival 2024., Otranto, Italy – competition programme - Best Actress Award to Fereshteh Hosseini, Best Film Production Award to Mirko Bojović Zagreb Film Festival 2024., Zagreb, Croatia – programme Together Again Film Festival Cottbus 2024., Cottbus, Germany – competition programme |